Monday, 17 August 2015

The Classroom Technique Of The School Of Isadora Duncan Dancing

Dear readers. Not long time ago I was surfing the Internet. And suddenly I've found some interesting text. It is "The Classroom Technique Of The School Of Isadora Duncan Dancing". This instruction as  the author of this text was taught by Lillian Rosenberg ,who was taught by Irma Duncan.
So, I have decided to share this link of text for those,  who wants to have a little bit more understanding of this art and its technique. I hope this would be useful. And thank you to author  for publishing  this instruction. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Isadora Duncan's students selecting russian children for school in France

Lisa,Irma,Anna,unknown girl,Theresa
In April 1914 Isadora Duncan's elder students Irma.Anna,Lisa and Teresa,accompanied by Isadora's brother Augustine, came to Saint Petersburg, Russia, to select 10 children of both gender for her new school in France. They remained there for 2 months,giving few performances and choosing the most gifted candidats among the russian kids. On April 20 they began the selection, for 7 days teaching the candidats such basic elements as running,walking,leaping.